Web Frontend Technologies Syllabus
Web Frontend Technologies
By Deepak Sir
Course Introduction : This course contains all the frontend technologies i.e. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap & AJAX. Also we have created 2-3 website templates as frontend.
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Chapter 1 : Software’s Installation
1.1 Software’s used for Java Frontend Technologies
(JDK, Editors, IDE’s – Netbeans & Eclipse, Servers, MySQL & Oracle)
1.2 Versions of each software
1.3 Installation of each software
Chapter 2 : HTML
2.1 HTML Introduction
2.2 Create Basic HTML page
2.3 HTML Tags
2.4 Create basic registration web page
Chapter 3 : XML (Extensible Markup Language)
3.1 XML Introduction
3.2 Difference between HTML & XML
3.3 XML Features
3.4 XML Naming Conventions
3.5 XML Syntax
3.6 XML Elements, Attributes & Comments
3.7 XML Related Technologies
Chapter 4 : CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
4.1 CSS Introduction
4.2 CSS Selector types
4.3 How to add CSS
4.4 CSS Properties
4.5 CSS Pseudo-Class
4.6 CSS Pseudo-Elements
4.7 CSS Selectors
4.8 CSS Menu-bars
4.9 Vertical Menu bar
4.10 Horizontal Menu bar
4.11 CSS Shadows / Animations
4.12 Simple Website Template
4.13 CSS Media Queries
Chapter 5 : HTML-5
5.1 Difference between HTML & HTML-5
5.2 HTML-5 tags
Chapter 6 : Web-Template Project
6.1 Creating “Responsive Web Template” using HTML 5 and CSS
Chapter 7 : JavaScript
7.1 What is JavaScript
7.2 Why we study JavaScript
7.3 Features of JavaScript
7.4 Where we can use JavaScript in different fields
7.5 Software’s used for JavaScript
7.6 Create simple JavaScript Program
7.7 Variables, Data-Types & Operators in JavaScript
7.8 Control Statements in JavaScript
7.9 JavaScript functions
7.10 BOM (Browser Object Model)
7.11 DOM (Document Object Model)
7.12 JavaScript Events
7.13 JavaScript Events Programs
7.14 JavaScript RegEx
7.15 JavaScript form validations
Chapter 8 : jQuery
8.1 jQuery Introduction
8.2 How to use jQuery
8.3 jQuery Events
8.4 jQuery Effects
8.5 jQuery animations
8.6 jQuery HTML manipulations
8.7 jQuery Image Gallery
8.8 jQuery Image Sliders
8.9 jQuery programs
Chapter 9 : Bootstrap
9.1 Bootstrap Introduction
9.2 How to use Bootstrap
9.3 Bootstrap layouts (container, container-fluid, row, col)
9.4 Bootstrap Simple Template
9.5 Bootstrap Classes
9.6 Margin classes
9.7 Padding classes
9.8 Horizontal classes
9.9 Vertical classes
9.10 Align-content classes
9.11 Align-self classes
9.12 Bootstrap CSS Components
9.12.1 Typography
9.12.2 Colors
9.12.3 Alerts
9.12.4 Buttons
9.12.5 ButtonGroups
9.12.6 Images
9.12.7 Tables
9.12.8 Badges
9.12.9 Progress Bar
9.12.10 Spinners
9.12.11 Pagination
9.13 Bootstrap JS Components
9.13.1 Dropdown
9.13.2 Collapse
9.13.3 Nav Menus
9.13.4 Navbar
9.13.5 Modal
9.13.6 Carousel
9.13.7 Tooltip
9.13.8 Scrollspy
9.13.9 Popover