Java Database Connection (JDBC) Syllabus
Java Database Connection (JDBC)
By Deepak Sir
Course Introduction : This course contains the deep concepts of SQL and JDBC (Java Database Connection). You will learn to connect java application with database. MySQL & Oracle both databases are covered deeply.
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1 : SQL & JDBC
1.1 Database Introduction
1.1.1 What is data & Information
1.1.2 What is database
1.1.3 Types of Database
1.1.4 What is DBMS & RDBMS
1.1.5 Difference between DBMS & RDBMS
1.2 SQL (Structured Query Language)
1.2.1 What is SQL
1.2.2 SQL Data Types
1.2.3 SQL Operators
1.2.4 Types of SQL Commands
1.2.5 DDL (Data Definition Language) – create, alter, drop, rename, truncate
1.2.6 DML (Data Manipulation Language) – insert, delete, update, call
1.2.7 Stored Procedure
1.2.8 DQL (Data Query Language) – select
1.2.9 SQL Joins
1.3 JDBC Introduction
1.3.1 What is JDBC
1.3.2 History & Versions of JDBC
1.3.3 Features of JDBC
1.3.4 Working of JDBC
1.3.5 JDBC Components
1.3.6 Steps to develop JDBC Application
1.3.7 JDBC Architecture
1.4 JDBC Drivers
1.4.1 What is Driver
1.4.2 Types of Driver
1.4.3 Type 1, 2, 3, 4 Drivers
1.4.4 Architecture of Drivers
1.4.5 Description of Drivers
1.4.6 Advantages & Disadvantages of each drivers
1.5 JDBC with MySQL & Oracle
1.5.1 Working with MySQL & Oracle
1.5.2 Working with JDBC in Netbeans (IDE) and MySQL (Database)
1.5.3 Working with JDBC in Eclipse (IDE) and MySQL (Database)
1.5.4 How to download and install Oracle Database
1.5.5 Working with JDBC in Netbeans (IDE) and Oracle (Database)
1.5.6 Working with JDBC in Eclipse (IDE) and Oracle (Database)
1.6 JDBC API (java.sql package) Deep Explanation
1.6.1 What is Class.forName(“----”);
1.6.2 Methods of Class class
1.6.3 How and when to use it ?
1.6.4 Diagramatically Show java.sql package with program
1.6.5 Explain each and every interface and classes with methods
1.7 Deep Working Of Java Application With Database
1.7.1 Diagramatically show java.sql package with program, also show model classes in paint by creating table
1.7.2 Explain each and every interface and classes with methods
1.7.3 Show jar files import oracle and MySQL in different projects
1.8 JDBC Interview questions
1.8.1 Programs for select, insert, update & delete queries
1.8.2 Provide task on user input 1,2,3,4 edit update delete insert 5 exit,ok
1.8.3 Difference between execute(), executeQuery() & executeUpdate() with programs
1.9 PreparedStatement Concepts
1.9.1 What is PreparedStatement
1.9.2 When we should use PreparedStatement
1.9.3 Working of PreparedStatement
1.9.4 Programs for select, insert, update & delete
1.10 CallableStatement with StoredProcedure
1.10.1 What is CallableStatement
1.10.2 Create Stored Procedure
1.10.3 Steps to develop CallableStatement programs
1.10.4 Callable Statement programs with stored procedures
1.10.5 Deep explanation of CallableStatement
1.10.6 Stored Functions
1.10.7 Programs for Stored Functions
1.10.8 Difference between Stored procedure and Function
1.11 ResultSet Deep Explanation
1.11.1 ResultSet Introduction
1.11.2 ResultSet Types
1.11.3 ResultSet Methods
1.11.4 ResultSet Programs
1.11.5 ResultSet Types
1.11.6 Difference between Forward Only (Non-Scrollable) & Scrollable
1.11.7 Difference between Scroll Sensitive & Scroll Insensitive
1.12 Database Connection Different Approaches
1.12.1 try catch finally approach
1.12.2 try with resource approach
1.12.3 Different connection class approach (using static method approach)
1.12.4 Singleton Class Approach
1.12.5 Properties file JDBC Connection Approach
1.13 Transaction Management
1.13.1 What is transaction
1.13.2 Types of transaction
1.13.3 Properties of transaction
1.13.4 How to implement transaction in JDBC
1.13.5 Implementation of Transaction Management using Program
1.13.6 Bank Application
1.13.7 Savepoint Interface
1.13.8 Transaction Inconsistency Problems
1.13.9 Isolation Levels
1.14 Batch Updations & SQL Injection
1.14.1 What is Batch Updations
1.14.2 Methods of Batch Updations
1.14.3 Programs using Statement & PreparedStatement & Internal Working of Batch Updations
1.14.4 Advantages & Disadvantages of Batch Updations
1.14.5 What is SQL Injection Attack
1.14.6 Program violating security in login form
1.14.7 How to prevent SQL Injection Attack
1.15 Metadata & Date / Time / Timestamp in Java
1.15.1 What is Metadata
1.15.2 Types of Metadata
1.15.3 Date, Time & Timestamp in Java
1.16 BLOB & CLOB
1.16.1 What is BLOB & CLOB
1.16.2 Difference between BLOB & CLOB
1.16.3 Programs for inserting & retrieving images and files from database
1.17 Connection Pooling
1.17.1 What is Connection Pooling
1.17.2 How Connection Pooling works
1.17.3 What is DataSource
1.17.4 Different ways to provide Connection Pooling
1.17.5 Different ways to get Connection Pooling
1.18 RowSet
1.18.1 What is RowSet
1.18.2 Syntax and methods of RowSet
1.18.3 Difference between ResultSet & RowSet
1.18.4 RowSet Program
1.18.5 Types of RowSet
1.18.6 Hierarchy of RowSet
1.18.7 JdbcRowSet with program (select, insert, update, delete)
1.18.8 CachedRowSet
1.18.9 Different ways to get CachedRowSet object
1.18.10 Program to check ResultSet & JdbcRowSet is connected and CachedRowSet is disconnected
1.18.11 CachedRowSet programs (select, insert, update, delete)
1.18.12 WebRowSet
1.18.13 WebRowSet programs (select, insert, update, delete)
1.18.14 JoinRowSet
1.18.15 JoinRowSet program
1.19 RowId
1.19.1 RowId
1.19.2 RowIdLifetime
1.19.3 RowId & RowIdLifetime programs