Java Backend Development (6 Projects) Syllabus
Java Backend Development (6 Projects)
By Deepak Sir
Course Introduction : The Java Full Stack Development Course contains all the backend technologies i.e. Core Java, Advance Java (JDBC, Servlet & JSP), Spring Framework and Spring Boot; then we have covered basics of frontend technologies i.e. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap; and also we have covered database technologies i.e. JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, Data JPA with MySQL & Oracle Databases. A lot of tools like Eclipse, Netbeans, VS Code, Apache Server are also covered very deeply.
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Module 1 : Core Java
Chapter 1 : Java Introduction
1.1 Introduction To All Languages
1.2 Introduction To Java; Difference Between C, C++ & Java
1.3 Difference Between Java & Python; Java Features
1.4 Java Software's Download & Install
1.5 Steps To Create Java First Program
1.6 Java Program Structure & Explanation
1.7 Compile & Run Java Program
1.8 main() Method Deep Explanation
1.9 Deep Explanation of Compilation & Execution Of Java Program
Chapter 2 : Programming Language Terms & Fundamentals
2.1 Data Types
2.2 Type Casting
2.3 Number Systems
2.4 Variables
2.5 Literals & Operators
2.6 Keywords & Identifiers
Chapter 3 : Control Statements
3.1 Selection Statements (if, if-else, if-else-if, switch)
3.2 Iteration Or Looping Statements (for, while & do-while loop)
3.3 Jump Statements (break, continue & return)
3.4 Control Statements Programs
3.5 Star Pattern Programs
3.6 Numbers & Alphabets Patterns Programs
Chapter 4 : OOP's Concepts
4.1 Programming Paradiagm
4.2 Class, Objects & Methods
4.3 Constructors
4.4 Deep Explanation Of Object Creation
4.5 Relationship In Java Classes - Part 1 (IS-A or Inheritance)
4.6 Relationship In Java Classes - Part 2 (HAS-A or Association)
4.7 Dependency Injection & Relationship In Java Classes - Part 3 (USES-A)
4.8 Polymorphism - Part 1 (Method Overloading)
4.9 Polymorphism - Part 2 (Method Overriding)
4.10 Data Hiding & Abstraction
4.11 Interfaces
4.12 Encapsulation
4.13 "this" Keyword
4.14 "super" & "final" Keywords
4.15 "static variables" & "static blocks"
4.16 Nested Classes In Java
4.17 "static methods" & "static nested class"
4.18 Packages - Part 1 (Pre-defined Packages)
4.19 Packages - Part 2 (User-defined Packages)
4.20 Packages - Part 3 (jar Files & Menifest File)
Chapter 5 : GUI (Graphical User Interface) - AWT & Swing
5.1 Introduction & Programs for AWT & Swing
5.2 Event Handling in AWT
Chapter 6 : Project 1 (TicTacToe Game)
6.1 TicTacToe Game - Design
6.2 TicTacToe Game - Backend
6.3 TicTacToe Game - Register & Login
6.4 TicTacToe Game - Store Game Details
Chapter 7 : Exception Handling
7.1 Error & Exception Introduction
7.2 Checked & Unchecked Exceptions
7.3 "throw" & "throws" Keyword
7.4 "try-catch" Block & Different Combinations
7.5 "finally" Block; "try-catch-finally" Different Combinations
7.6 User Defined Exceptions
Chapter 8 : Strings
8.1 String Introduction
8.2 String Class Constructors & Methods
8.3 StringBuffer, StringBuilder & StringTokenizer Classes
8.4 String Programs
Chapter 9 : Multithreading & Synchronization
9.1 Multithreading Introduction
9.2 Thread Creation (Using Runnable Interface)
9.3 Thread Creation (Using Thread Class) & Case Studies
9.4 Thread Life Cycle
9.5 Thread Class Methods (Explanation & Programs)
9.6 Synchronization
9.7 ThreadGroup Class
9.8 Thread-Pool Framework
9.9 Callable & Future Interface
9.10 ThreadLocal Class
Chapter 10 : Java Input / Output
10.1 Java IO Introduction
10.2 Byte Stream Classes & Explanation
10.3 Character Stream Classes & Explanation
10.4 Dynamic Input Approach
10.5 File Handling With Programs
10.6 Serialization, Deserialization & Externalization
Chapter 11 : Project 2 (Notepad Editor)
11.1 Notepad Editor - Designing
11.2 Notepad Editor - Backend
Chapter 12 : Socket Programming & RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
12.1 Netword Introduction
12.2 Socket Programming
12.3 RMI Explanation
Chapter 13 : Project 3 (Chatting Application)
13.1 Chatting Application Backend
13.2 Chatting Application On Multiple Systems
Chapter 14 : Arrays
14.1 Data Structure & Arrays Introduction
14.2 Single Dimensional Array (1-D Array)
14.3 Multi-Dimensional Array (2-D Array)
14.4 Multi-Dimensional Array (3-D Array)
14.5 Matrix Array
14.6 Jagged Array
14.7 Anonymous Array
14.8 "Array" Class
14.9 Array Programs (Sorting, Searching, Insertion & Deletion)
14.10 Array More Programs
Chapter 15 : Collections Framework & Generics
15.1 Introduction To Collections Framework
15.2 Collection Interface
15.3 List (Interface) & Its Methods
15.4 List Implemented Classes (ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector & Stack)
15.5 Cursors In Collections (Enumeration, Iterator & ListIterator)
15.6 Set (Interface), SortedSet (Interface) & NavigableSet (Interface)
15.7 Set Implemented Classes (HashSet, LinkedHashSet & TreeSet)
15.8 Comparable & Comparator Interface
15.9 Queue (Interface) & Its Methods
15.10 Queue Implemented Classes (PriorityQueue, Deque & ArrayDeque)
15.11 Abstract Design Pattern
15.12 Map (Interface) & Entry (Interface) & Its Methods
15.13 Map Implemented Classes (HashMap, LinkedHashMap, IdentityHashMap & WeakHashMap)
15.14 SortedMap (Interface) & NavigableMap (Interface)
15.15 TreeMap (Class)
15.16 Hashtable (Class); Working Of Hashtable & HashMap
15.17 Dictionary, Properties & Concurrent Collections
15.18 Generics
Chapter 16 : Java 8 Features
16.1 Default & Static Methods In Interface
16.2 Functional Interfaces
16.3 Lambda Functions
16.4 Predicate, Function, Consumer, Supplier (Functional Interfaces)
16.5 Stream API
16.6 Method Reference & Constructor Reference
16.7 Date & Time API
Chapter 17 : Java Database Connection (JDBC)
17.1 Download & Install MySQL 8 Database
17.2 SQL Queries
17.3 JDBC Select Query
17.4 JDBC Insert, Update & Delete Queries
17.5 JDBC Development
Chapter 18 : Project 4 (Billing Software)
18.1 Project Documentation; SDLC Life Cycle
18.2 Project Designing Basics
18.3 StartProject & Login Page
18.4 Optimized Database Code
18.5 Regex Introduction & Programs
18.6 JTable; Update & Delete Employee
18.7 Insert Images In Database
18.8 Login To Different Modules
18.9 Profile Page
18.10 View & Update Employee Profile
18.11 Item Details & Add To Cart
18.12 Update & Delete Items From Cart
18.13 Generate Total Bill
18.14 Customer Billing
18.15 Customer Shopping Details
18.16 Import & Export Database
Chapter 19 : Applets & Simple Project
19.1 Introduction & Programs
19.2 Digital Clock
Chapter 20 : Project 5 (Car Crach Game)
20.1 Game Design
20.2 Game Logic & Backend
20.3 Game Score
Module 2 : Spring Boot
Chapter 1 : Spring Core Module
1.1 Advance Java Terminologies
1.2 Spring Introduction
1.3 Spring Container (IOC Container)
1.4 POJO and JavaBean classes
1.5 Spring First Program; Bean Factory & Application Context
1.6 "id" and "name" attribute
1.7 Java Configuration File
1.8 @Component; Bean Scope
1.9 Bean Life Cycle Deep Explanation
1.10 Properties Configuration using XML, Java & Annotations
1.11 Properties Configuration using XML (constructor-arg tag)
1.12 Dependency Injection (DI)
1.13 Setter Method DI vs Constructor DI
1.14 P-Namespace and C-Namespace
1.15 DI using Java Config File
1.16 Autowiring Introduction
1.17 XML Based Autowiring
1.18 Autowiring using Annotations
Chapter 2 : MAVEN
2.1 Maven Deep Explanation
2.2 Purpose and benefits of using Maven
2.3 POM File
2.4 Maven using CMD
2.5 Maven Project in Eclipse
Chapter 3 : Spring Boot Core
3.1 Spring Boot Introduction
3.2 Spring Boot Program Deep Explanation
3.3 Install STS Tool in Eclipse and Create Spring Boot Project
3.4 Download & Install STS IDE and Create Spring Boot Project
3.5 Spring Initializr
3.6 Auto Configurations in Spring Boot
3.7 Starters with Dependencies
3.8 Dependency Management
3.9 POM and BOM; Application Properties
3.10 Spring Boot Basic Programs
3.11 Logging Deep Explanation
3.12 Logging using "Java Logging API"
3.13 Java Logging API - Task
3.14 "SLF4J" - Logging Facade
3.15 Logging using "Logback"
3.16 Spring Boot Logging
Chapter 4 : Spring Boot AOP
4.1 AOP Introduction
4.2 AOP Terminologies
4.3 Spring Boot AOP Programs
Chapter 5 : SQL & JDBC
5.1 Database Introduction
5.2 Download & Install MySQL
5.3 SQL Introduction & SQL Commands
5.4 JDBC Introduction; Database Connection
5.5 JDBC CRUD Operations - Part 1 (Insert, Update, Delete, Select)
5.6 ResultSet Working
5.7 JDBC Development Approach
5.8 Statement vs PreparedStatement
5.9 SQL Injection Attack
5.10 Batch Updations
5.11 Transaction Management
5.12 DataSource
5.13 Connection Pooling
Chapter 6 : Spring Boot with JDBC
6.1 Spring Boot with JDBC Introduction; DataSource
6.2 JdbcTemplate; CRUD Operations (Insert, Update, Delete, Select)
6.3 Plain-JDBC vs Spring-JDBC
6.4 Spring Connection Pooling
6.5 NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
6.6 Batch Updates in Spring Boot
6.7 Connection Pooling in Spring Boot
Chapter 7 : Spring Boot DAO
7.1 Design Pattern Introduction
7.2 DAO Introduction & programs
7.3 Spring Boot JDBC - DAO
Chapter 8 : Spring Boot with Hibernate (ORM - 1)
8.1 ORM (Object Relational Mapping)
8.2 Data Persistency
8.3 Hibernate Introduction & Its Architecture
8.4 Hibernate Program (Using XML Mapping)
8.5 Hibernate Program (Using Annotations Mapping)
8.6 Hibernate Auto-Increment
8.7 Hibernate CRUD Operations
8.8 Spring Boot with Hibernate
Chapter 9 : Spring Boot with JPA (ORM - 2)
9.1 JPA Introduction
9.2 Java Persistence API Classes & Interfaces
9.3 JPA Program Explanation
9.4 JPA CRUD Operations
9.5 JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language)
9.6 Named Queries in JPA
9.7 Native SQL Queries in JPA
9.8 Spring Boot with JPA
Chapter 10 : Spring Boot Data JPA
10.1 Spring Data JPA Introduction
10.2 Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA Practical 1 - Core CRUD Operations
10.3 Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA Practical 2 - Query Methods
Chapter 11 : Servlets & JSP
11.1 Web Application Introduction
11.2 Servlet Introduction and First Program
11.3 HttpServlet Hierarchy
11.4 Servlet Life Cycle
11.5 "web.xml" file Explanation
11.6 Annotations in Java & Servlet
11.7 Request Object (HttpServletRequest & HttpServletResponse)
11.8 Http Methods; Difference between GET & POST
11.9 Servlet Communication; sendRedirect() vs RequestDispatcher
11.10 Session Management (HttpSession)
11.11 HttpSession Internal Working
11.12 Cookies
11.13 URL-Rewritting
11.14 Hidden Form Field
11.15 ServletContext
11.16 ServletConfig
11.17 Filters in Servlet
11.18 JSP Introduction
11.19 JSP Life Cycle
11.20 JSP Tags Categories
11.21 JSP Scripting Tags (Scripting, Directive & Expression Tag)
11.22 JSP Directive Tags (Page, Include & Taglib Directive Tag)
11.23 JSP Action Tags (Standard & Custom Action Tags)
11.24 JSP Implicit Objects
11.25 Expression Language
11.26 JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library)
11.27 MVC Design Pattern
Chapter 12 : Spring Boot WEB-MVC Module
12.1 Spring WEB & WEB-MVC Introduction & Architecture
12.2 Spring MVC Components Deep Explanaition
12.3 Steps to create Spring WEB-MVC Program
12.4 Controller, Handler Methods, HTTP Request Method Annotations
12.5 Data Transfer in Controllers (Model & ModelAndView)
12.6 HttpSession & @SessionAttributes
12.7 Spring Form Tag Library; @ModelAttribute
12.8 Spring Form Validations
12.9 Error & Exception Handling
12.10 Thymeleaf Introduction
12.11 Thymeleaf Installation
12.12 Spring Boot First Web-Mvc Program
12.13 Spring Boot with Thymeleaf Programs
Chapter 13 : Web Frontend Technologies
13.1 Download & Install Visual Studio Code
13.2 HTML Introduction & Programs
13.3 CSS Introduction & Programs
13.4 JavaScript Introduction & Programs
13.5 JavaScript Functions & Events Programs
13.6 jQuery Introduction & Programs
13.7 Bootstrap Introduction & Programs
13.8 AJAX Introduction & Programs
Chapter 14 : Education CRM Project
14.1 Education CRM Project Requirements & Documentation
14.2 User Modules Designing - Index, Login, Register, Profile & MyEnrollments Page
14.3 Admin Modules Designing - Login & Profile Page
14.4 User Module Backend - Login & Register
14.5 User Module Backend - Client & Server Side Validations
14.6 User Module Backend - Get Course Details From Database
14.7 User Module Backend - Payment Gateway Integration
14.8 User Module Backend - Store Purchased Course in Database
14.9 User Module Backend - Generate Order Id and Store in Database
14.10 User Module Backend - Get All Logged In User Purchased Course
14.11 Admin Module Backend - Login, Profile, Add & View Courses
14.12 Admin Module Backend - Edit & Delete Courses
14.13 Admin Module Backend - Pagination
14.14 Admin Module Backend - Employee Management
14.15 Employee Module Frontend & Backend for Login
14.16 Employee Module Backend - Sell Course
14.17 Employee Module Backend - New Inquiry
14.18 Employee Module Backend - Inquiry Management
14.19 Employee Module Backend - Follow Ups
14.20 Admin Module Backend - Employee Sales Information
14.21 Admin Module Backend - Dashboard Graphs & Charts
14.22 Admin Module Backend - Customer Management & Feedback
Chapter 15 : Spring Boot RESTful Web Services
15.1 API & Web Services Deep Explanation
15.2 SOAP vs REST
15.3 Create RESTful Web Services and Programs
15.4 RESTful Web Service Annotations
15.5 RESTful Web Service CRUD Operations
15.6 RESTful Web Service Response Handling (ResponseEntity & Optional)
15.7 Error & Exception Handling in RESTful Web service
15.8 Jackson Introduction; Data Binding Programs
15.9 Streaming API & Tree Model Programs
15.10 Jackson Annotations
15.11 Read Online API in Spring Boot Web App
15.12 Pagination
Chapter 16 : Spring Boot Security
16.1 Spring Security Introduction & Flow Explanation
16.2 Spring Security Classes & Interfaces
16.3 In-Memory & Web Based Authentication Programs
16.4 Form-based Authentication
16.5 Database (ORM) Authentication
16.6 O-Auth 2.0 Deep Explanation
16.7 O-Auth 2.0 Program (Generate Token)
16.8 Open ID Connect (Sign In With Google)
16.9 JWT (JSON Web Token) Introduction
16.10 JWT Program Explanation
Chapter 17 : Spring Boot Microservices
17.1 Microservices Introduction & Programs
17.2 Microservices Architecture & Deep Explanation
17.3 API Gateway (Spring Cloud Gateway) Program; YAML File
17.4 Service Discovery Server (Eureka) Program
17.5 API Gateway & Service Discovery Server Program