Core Java + Advance Java Syllabus
Core Java + Advance Java
By Deepak Sir
Course Introduction : This course contains all the deep concepts of Core Java (with 5 projects) and Advance Java (JDBC, Servlet & JSP) (with 1 project). Also it includes frontend technologies i.e. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap.
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Module 1 : Core Java
Chapter 1 : Java Introduction
1.1 Introduction To All Languages
1.2 Introduction To Java; Difference Between C, C++ & Java
1.3 Difference Between Java & Python; Java Features
1.4 Java Software's Download & Install
1.5 Steps To Create Java First Program
1.6 Java Program Structure & Explanation
1.7 Compile & Run Java Program
1.8 main() Method Deep Explanation
1.9 Deep Explanation of Compilation & Execution Of Java Program
Chapter 2 : Programming Language Terms & Fundamentals
2.1 Data Types
2.2 Type Casting
2.3 Number Systems
2.4 Variables
2.5 Literals & Operators
2.6 Keywords & Identifiers
Chapter 3 : Control Statements
3.1 Selection Statements (if, if-else, if-else-if, switch)
3.2 Iteration Or Looping Statements (for, while & do-while loop)
3.3 Jump Statements (break, continue & return)
3.4 Control Statements Programs
3.5 Star Pattern Programs
3.6 Numbers & Alphabets Patterns Programs
Chapter 4 : OOP's Concepts
4.1 Programming Paradiagm
4.2 Class, Objects & Methods
4.3 Constructors
4.4 Deep Explanation Of Object Creation
4.5 Relationship In Java Classes - Part 1 (IS-A or Inheritance)
4.6 Relationship In Java Classes - Part 2 (HAS-A or Association)
4.7 Dependency Injection & Relationship In Java Classes - Part 3 (USES-A)
4.8 Polymorphism - Part 1 (Method Overloading)
4.9 Polymorphism - Part 2 (Method Overriding)
4.10 Data Hiding & Abstraction
4.11 Interfaces
4.12 Encapsulation
4.13 "this" Keyword
4.14 "super" & "final" Keywords
4.15 "static variables" & "static blocks"
4.16 Nested Classes In Java
4.17 "static methods" & "static nested class"
4.18 Packages - Part 1 (Pre-defined Packages)
4.19 Packages - Part 2 (User-defined Packages)
4.20 Packages - Part 3 (jar Files & Menifest File)
Chapter 5 : GUI (Graphical User Interface) - AWT & Swing
5.1 Introduction & Programs for AWT & Swing
5.2 Event Handling in AWT
Chapter 6 : Project 1 (TicTacToe Game)
6.1 TicTacToe Game - Design
6.2 TicTacToe Game - Backend
6.3 TicTacToe Game - Register & Login
6.4 TicTacToe Game - Store Game Details
Chapter 7 : Exception Handling
7.1 Error & Exception Introduction
7.2 Checked & Unchecked Exceptions
7.3 "throw" & "throws" Keyword
7.4 "try-catch" Block & Different Combinations
7.5 "finally" Block; "try-catch-finally" Different Combinations
7.6 User Defined Exceptions
Chapter 8 : Strings
8.1 String Introduction
8.2 String Class Constructors & Methods
8.3 StringBuffer, StringBuilder & StringTokenizer Classes
8.4 String Programs
Chapter 9 : Multithreading & Synchronization
9.1 Multithreading Introduction
9.2 Thread Creation (Using Runnable Interface)
9.3 Thread Creation (Using Thread Class) & Case Studies
9.4 Thread Life Cycle
9.5 Thread Class Methods (Explanation & Programs)
9.6 Synchronization
9.7 ThreadGroup Class
9.8 Thread-Pool Framework
9.9 Callable & Future Interface
9.10 ThreadLocal Class
Chapter 10 : Java Input / Output
10.1 Java IO Introduction
10.2 Byte Stream Classes & Explanation
10.3 Character Stream Classes & Explanation
10.4 Dynamic Input Approach
10.5 File Handling With Programs
10.6 Serialization, Deserialization & Externalization
Chapter 11 : Project 2 (Notepad Editor)
11.1 Notepad Editor - Designing
11.2 Notepad Editor - Backend
Chapter 12 : Socket Programming & RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
12.1 Netword Introduction
12.2 Socket Programming
12.3 RMI Explanation
Chapter 13 : Project 3 (Chatting Application)
13.1 Chatting Application Backend
13.2 Chatting Application On Multiple Systems
Chapter 14 : Arrays
14.1 Data Structure & Arrays Introduction
14.2 Single Dimensional Array (1-D Array)
14.3 Multi-Dimensional Array (2-D Array)
14.4 Multi-Dimensional Array (3-D Array)
14.5 Matrix Array
14.6 Jagged Array
14.7 Anonymous Array
14.8 "Array" Class
14.9 Array Programs (Sorting, Searching, Insertion & Deletion)
14.10 Array More Programs
Chapter 15 : Collections Framework & Generics
15.1 Introduction To Collections Framework
15.2 Collection Interface
15.3 List (Interface) & Its Methods
15.4 List Implemented Classes (ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector & Stack)
15.5 Cursors In Collections (Enumeration, Iterator & ListIterator)
15.6 Set (Interface), SortedSet (Interface) & NavigableSet (Interface)
15.7 Set Implemented Classes (HashSet, LinkedHashSet & TreeSet)
15.8 Comparable & Comparator Interface
15.9 Queue (Interface) & Its Methods
15.10 Queue Implemented Classes (PriorityQueue, Deque & ArrayDeque)
15.11 Abstract Design Pattern
15.12 Map (Interface) & Entry (Interface) & Its Methods
15.13 Map Implemented Classes (HashMap, LinkedHashMap, IdentityHashMap & WeakHashMap)
15.14 SortedMap (Interface) & NavigableMap (Interface)
15.15 TreeMap (Class)
15.16 Hashtable (Class); Working Of Hashtable & HashMap
15.17 Dictionary, Properties & Concurrent Collections
15.18 Generics
Chapter 16 : Java 8 Features
16.1 Default & Static Methods In Interface
16.2 Functional Interfaces
16.3 Lambda Functions
16.4 Predicate, Function, Consumer, Supplier (Functional Interfaces)
16.5 Stream API
16.6 Method Reference & Constructor Reference
16.7 Date & Time API
Chapter 17 : Java Database Connection (JDBC)
17.1 Download & Install MySQL 8 Database
17.2 SQL Queries
17.3 JDBC Select Query
17.4 JDBC Insert, Update & Delete Queries
17.5 JDBC Development
Chapter 18 : Project 4 (Billing Software)
18.1 Project Documentation; SDLC Life Cycle
18.2 Project Designing Basics
18.3 StartProject & Login Page
18.4 Optimized Database Code
18.5 Regex Introduction & Programs
18.6 JTable; Update & Delete Employee
18.7 Insert Images In Database
18.8 Login To Different Modules
18.9 Profile Page
18.10 View & Update Employee Profile
18.11 Item Details & Add To Cart
18.12 Update & Delete Items From Cart
18.13 Generate Total Bill
18.14 Customer Billing
18.15 Customer Shopping Details
18.16 Import & Export Database
Chapter 19 : Applets & Simple Project
19.1 Introduction & Programs
19.2 Digital Clock
Chapter 20 : Project 5 (Car Crach Game)
20.1 Game Design
20.2 Game Logic & Backend
20.3 Game Score
Module 2 : Advance Java & Front-End Technologies
Chapter 1 : Advance Java Introduction
1.1 Technologies to be covered in advance java
1.2 What are Web Application Technologies and Enterprise Application Technologies
1.3 Why we should learn these technologies
1.4 How to become Java Full Stack Developer
Chapter 2 : Software’s Installation
2.1 Software’s used for advance java
(JDK, Editors, IDE’s – Netbeans & Eclipse, Servers, MySQL & Oracle)
2.2 Versions of each software
2.3 Installation of each software
2.4 Resolving each software installation problems
Chapter 3 : Web Front End Technologies - HTML
3.1 HTML Introduction
3.2 Create Basic HTML page
3.3 HTML Tags
3.4 Create basic registration web page
Chapter 4 : XML (Extensible Markup Language)
4.1 XML Introduction
4.2 Difference between HTML & XML
4.3 XML Features
4.4 XML Naming Conventions
4.5 XML Syntax
4.6 XML Elements, Attributes & Comments
4.7 XML Related Technologies
Chapter 5 : Web Front End Technologies - CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
5.1 CSS Introduction
5.2 CSS Selector types
5.3 How to add CSS
5.4 CSS Properties
5.5 CSS Pseudo-Class
5.6 CSS Pseudo-Elements
5.7 CSS Selectors
5.8 CSS Menu-bars
5.9 Vertical Menu bar
5.10 Horizontal Menu bar
5.11 CSS Shadows / Animations
5.12 Simple Website Template
5.13 CSS Media Queries
Chapter 6 : Web Front End Technologies - HTML-5
6.1 Difference between HTML & HTML-5
6.2 HTML-5 tags
Chapter 7 : Web-Template Project
7.1 Creating “Responsive Web Template” using HTML 5 and CSS
Chapter 8 : Web Front End Technologies - JavaScript
8.1 What is JavaScript
8.2 Why we study JavaScript
8.3 Features of JavaScript
8.4 Where we can use JavaScript in different fields
8.5 Software’s used for JavaScript
8.6 Create simple JavaScript Program
8.7 Variables, Data-Types & Operators in JavaScript
8.8 Control Statements in JavaScript
8.9 JavaScript functions
8.10 BOM (Browser Object Model)
8.11 DOM (Document Object Model)
8.12 JavaScript Events
8.13 JavaScript Events Programs
8.14 JavaScript RegEx
8.15 JavaScript form validations
Chapter 9 : Web Front End Technologies - jQuery
9.1 jQuery Introduction
9.2 How to use jQuery
9.3 jQuery Events
9.4 jQuery Effects
9.5 jQuery animations
9.6 jQuery HTML manipulations
9.7 jQuery Image Gallery
9.8 jQuery Image Sliders
9.9 jQuery programs
Chapter 10 : Web Front End Technologies - Bootstrap
10.1 Bootstrap Introduction
10.2 How to use Bootstrap
10.3 Bootstrap layouts (container, container-fluid, row, col)
10.4 Bootstrap Simple Template
10.5 Bootstrap Classes
10.6 Margin classes
10.7 Padding classes
10.8 Horizontal classes
10.9 Vertical classes
10.10 Align-content classes
10.11 Align-self classes
10.12 Bootstrap CSS Components
10.12.1 Typography
10.12.2 Colors
10.12.3 Alerts
10.12.4 Buttons
10.12.5 ButtonGroups
10.12.6 Images
10.12.7 Tables
10.12.8 Badges
10.12.9 Progress Bar
10.12.10 Spinners
10.12.11 Pagination
10.13 Bootstrap JS Components
10.13.1 Dropdown
10.13.2 Collapse
10.13.3 Nav Menus
10.13.4 Navbar
10.13.5 Modal
10.13.6 Carousel
10.13.7 Tooltip
10.13.8 Scrollspy
10.13.9 Popover
Chapter 11 : SQL & JDBC
11.1 Database Introduction
11.1.1 What is data & Information
11.1.2 What is database
11.1.3 Types of Database
11.1.4 What is DBMS & RDBMS
11.1.5 Difference between DBMS & RDBMS
11.2 SQL (Structured Query Language)
11.2.1 What is SQL
11.2.2 SQL Data Types
11.2.3 SQL Operators
11.2.4 Types of SQL Commands
11.2.5 DDL (Data Definition Language) – create, alter, drop, rename, truncate
11.2.6 DML (Data Manipulation Language) – insert, delete, update, call
11.2.7 Stored Procedure
11.2.8 DQL (Data Query Language) – select
11.2.9 SQL Joins
11.3 JDBC Introduction
11.3.1 What is JDBC
11.3.2 History & Versions of JDBC
11.3.3 Features of JDBC
11.3.4 Working of JDBC
11.3.5 JDBC Components
11.3.6 Steps to develop JDBC Application
11.3.7 JDBC Architecture
11.4 JDBC Drivers
11.4.1 What is Driver
11.4.2 Types of Driver
11.4.3 Type 1, 2, 3, 4 Drivers
11.4.4 Architecture of Drivers
11.4.5 Description of Drivers
11.4.6 Advantages & Disadvantages of each drivers
11.5 JDBC with MySQL & Oracle
11.5.1 Working with MySQL & Oracle
11.5.2 Working with JDBC in Netbeans (IDE) and MySQL (Database)
11.5.3 Working with JDBC in Eclipse (IDE) and MySQL (Database)
11.5.4 How to download and install Oracle Database
11.5.5 Working with JDBC in Netbeans (IDE) and Oracle (Database)
11.5.6 Working with JDBC in Eclipse (IDE) and Oracle (Database)
11.6 JDBC API (java.sql package) Deep Explanation
11.6.1 What is Class.forName(“----”);
11.6.2 Methods of Class class
11.6.3 How and when to use it ?
11.6.4 Diagramatically Show java.sql package with program
11.6.5 Explain each and every interface and classes with methods
11.7 Deep Working Of Java Application With Database
11.7.1 Diagramatically show java.sql package with program, also show model classes in paint by creating table
11.7.2 Explain each and every interface and classes with methods
11.7.3 Show jar files import oracle and MySQL in different projects
11.8 JDBC Interview questions
11.8.1 Programs for select, insert, update & delete queries
11.8.2 Provide task on user input 1,2,3,4 edit update delete insert 5 exit,ok
11.8.3 Difference between execute(), executeQuery() & executeUpdate() with programs
11.9 PreparedStatement Concepts
11.9.1 What is PreparedStatement
11.9.2 When we should use PreparedStatement
11.9.3 Working of PreparedStatement
11.9.4 Programs for select, insert, update & delete
11.10 CallableStatement with StoredProcedure
11.10.1 What is CallableStatement
11.10.2 Create Stored Procedure
11.10.3 Steps to develop CallableStatement programs
11.10.4 Callable Statement programs with stored procedures
11.10.5 Deep explanation of CallableStatement
11.10.6 Stored Functions
11.10.7 Programs for Stored Functions
11.10.8 Difference between Stored procedure and Function
11.11 ResultSet Deep Explanation
11.11.1 ResultSet Introduction
11.11.2 ResultSet Types
11.11.3 ResultSet Methods
11.11.4 ResultSet Programs
11.11.5 ResultSet Types
11.11.6 Difference between Forward Only (Non-Scrollable) & Scrollable
11.11.7 Difference between Scroll Sensitive & Scroll Insensitive
11.12 Database Connection Different Approaches
11.12.1 try catch finally approach
11.12.2 try with resource approach
11.12.3 Different connection class approach (using static method approach)
11.12.4 Singleton Class Approach
11.12.5 Properties file JDBC Connection Approach
11.13 Transaction Management
11.13.1 What is transaction
11.13.2 Types of transaction
11.13.3 Properties of transaction
11.13.4 How to implement transaction in JDBC
11.13.5 Implementation of Transaction Management using Program
11.13.6 Bank Application
11.13.7 Savepoint Interface
11.13.8 Transaction Inconsistency Problems
11.13.9 Isolation Levels
11.14 Batch Updations & SQL Injection
11.14.1 What is Batch Updations
11.14.2 Methods of Batch Updations
11.14.3 Programs using Statement & PreparedStatement & Internal Working of Batch Updations
11.14.4 Advantages & Disadvantages of Batch Updations
11.14.5 What is SQL Injection Attack
11.14.6 Program violating security in login form
11.14.7 How to prevent SQL Injection Attack
11.15 Metadata & Date / Time / Timestamp in Java
11.15.1 What is Metadata
11.15.2 Types of Metadata
11.15.3 Date, Time & Timestamp in Java
11.16 BLOB & CLOB
11.16.1 What is BLOB & CLOB
11.16.2 Difference between BLOB & CLOB
11.16.3 Programs for inserting & retrieving images and files from database
11.17 Connection Pooling
11.17.1 What is Connection Pooling
11.17.2 How Connection Pooling works
11.17.3 What is DataSource
11.17.4 Different ways to provide Connection Pooling
11.17.5 Different ways to get Connection Pooling
11.18 RowSet
11.18.1 What is RowSet
11.18.2 Syntax and methods of RowSet
11.18.3 Difference between ResultSet & RowSet
11.18.4 RowSet Program
11.18.5 Types of RowSet
11.18.6 Hierarchy of RowSet
11.18.7 JdbcRowSet with program (select, insert, update, delete)
11.18.8 CachedRowSet
11.18.9 Different ways to get CachedRowSet object
11.18.10 Program to check ResultSet & JdbcRowSet is connected and CachedRowSet is disconnected
11.18.11 CachedRowSet programs (select, insert, update, delete)
11.18.12 WebRowSet
11.18.13 WebRowSet programs (select, insert, update, delete)
11.18.14 JoinRowSet
11.18.15 JoinRowSet program
11.19 RowId
11.19.1 RowId
11.19.2 RowIdLifetime
11.19.3 RowId & RowIdLifetime programs
Chapter 12 : Client & Server Communication (Basics of Computer Network)
12.1 What is Static & Dynamic Websites
12.2 Java EE Introduction
12.3 Difference between Web Application & Distributed Application
12.4 Technologies used for Web Application & Distributed Application
12.5 Introduction of Server Side Technologies
12.6 CGI Introduction, Working & Disadvantages
12.7 Servlet introduction, working, advantages, disadvantages & practical part
12.8 JSP introduction, working, advantages, disadvantages & practical part
12.9 Difference between CGI & Servlet
12.10 Difference between Servlet & JSP
12.11 Servlet & JSP in MVC pattern framework
12.12 Client Server Architecture
12.13 What is URI, URL & URN
12.14 Deep syntax of URL
12.15 Protocol Introduction
12.16 Why we use HTTP protocol in client-server architecture
12.17 HTTP request methods
12.18 What is difference between GET & POST
12.19 Response Code or Status Code
12.20 Server Introduction
12.21 Difference between Web Server & Application Server
12.22 Difference between Server & Container
Chapter 14 : JavaMail API
14.1 JavaMail API Introduction
14.2 Protocol used in JavaMail API
14.3 Difference between SMTP & MIME
14.4 Jar files & Classes used in JavaMail API
14.5 Different ways to send email
14.6 Steps to send an email
14.7 Methods of Session, MimeMessage & Transport classes
Chapter 15 : Servers
15.1 Download, Install & Run Tomcat Server
15.2 Change port number of Tomcat Server
15.3 Change username & password of Tomcat Server
15.4 Tomcat folder architecture explanation
15.5 Servlet project folder architecture explanation
Chapter 16 : JSP (Java Server Pages)
16.1 JSP Introduction
16.1.1 JSP Introduction
16.1.2 Advantages of JSP over Servlets
16.1.3 Features of JSP
16.1.4 How to create and run JSP pages using simple editor
16.1.5 How to create and run JSP pages in IDE’s (Eclipse & Netbeans)
16.2 JSP Life Cycle & Class Hierarchy
16.2.1 JSP Life Cycle
16.2.2 Backend working of JSP
16.2.3 JSP related classes & interface hierarchy
16.3 JSP Tags
16.3.1 Where JSP translated servlets are stored in case of IDE’s
16.3.2 JSP different tags diagram
16.4 JSP Directive Tags/Elements ( <%@ directive attribute=”--”%> )
16.4.1 Directive Tag Introduction
16.4.2 Page Directive
16.4.3 Attributes of page directive
16.4.4 Include Directive
16.4.5 Taglib Directive
16.5 JSP Scripting Tags/Elements
16.6 Declaration Tag ( <%!----%> )
16.7 Scriptlet Tag ( <%----%> )
16.8 Expression Tag ( <%= ---- %> )
16.9 JSP 9 implicit objects
16.10 JSP Scopes
16.11 JSP Standard Action Tags
16.11.1 What are JSP Action Tags
16.11.2 What is JSP Standard Action Tag
16.11.3 JSP Bean related Standard Action Tags
16.11.4 JSP Standard Action Tags
16.11.5 JSP Standard Action Tags (similar to scripting elements/tags)
16.11.6 JSP Standard Action Tags (Applet related tags)
16.12 JSP Custom Action Tags
16.12.1 What are JSP Custom Action Tags
16.12.2 Advantages of JSP Custom Action Tags
16.12.3 Methods & Fields in Custom Tags API’s
16.12.4 How to create .tld file
16.12.5 Create Tag-Handler class
16.13 JSP login-register-profile application
16.14 Expression Language (EL)
16.14.1 Expression Language (EL)
16.14.2 What are expression language
16.14.3 Implicit objects in EL
16.14.4 Operators in EL
16.14.5 Reserved Words in EL
16.15 JSTL (Java Standard Tag Library)
16.15.1 What is JSTL
16.15.2 How to use JSTL
16.15.3 JSTL all 5 tags
16.15.4 JSTL Core Tags programs
Chapter 15 : Project (Job Portal)
15.1 Create index.jsp page
15.2 Create different header.jsp, menubar.jsp & footer.jsp pages and include them in index.jsp page using tag
15.3 Create register.jsp page
15.4 Simple registration part using servlet and MySQL database
15.5 Create login.jsp page
15.6 Client side validations in register.jsp page
15.7 Validations using RegEx
15.8 Database validations
15.9 Server side validations
15.10 User profile
15.11 Edit profile
15.12 Logout
15.13 Add, Display, Update & Delete Education Details
15.14 Add, Display, Update & Delete Experience Details
15.15 Developers Level JDBC coding (Points to remember)
15.16 Performing action from 2 buttons within single form using JavaScript
15.17 Upload & Update file (Profile Pic)
15.18 Profile Pic session changes in Login & Register servlets
15.19 Upload & Download Resume
15.20 Resume builder
15.21 Create PDF file in java
15.22 Set image, table in PDF file
15.23 Post jobs in database
15.24 Display all jobs
15.25 Display particular job details
15.26 Apply for jobs
15.27 My Applied jobs
15.28 Delete applied jobs
15.29 AJAX Introduction
15.30 How AJAX works
15.31 XMLHttpRequest object introduction
15.32 Methods of XMLHttpRequest object
15.33 Properties of XMLHttpRequest object
15.34 Search jobs using AJAX
15.35 Search jobs by location using AJAX
15.36 Search jobs in index.jsp page
15.37 Login using cookies
15.38 Create company.jsp page
15.39 Show all jobs related to companies
15.40 About Us and Contact Us page
15.41 Display google-map in jsp page
15.42 Contact Us jsp page
15.43 Setting cookies & Request Dispatcher with error messages
15.44 Send thank you mail to users