Arrays & Collections (Interview Preparation) Syllabus
Arrays & Collections (Interview Preparation)
By Deepak Sir
Course Introduction : This course contains the deep concepts of Arrays & Collections in Java. A lot of logical and conceptual programs are also covered in this course. Also many interview questions are covered and you can download the notes and programs.
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Total Lectures : 28
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Chapter 1 : Arrays
1.1 Data Structure & Arrays Introduction
1.2 Single Dimensional Array (1-D Array)
1.3 Multi-Dimensional Array (2-D Array)
1.4 Multi-Dimensional Array (3-D Array)
1.5 Matrix Array
1.6 Jagged Array
1.7 Anonymous Array
1.8 "Array" Class
1.9 Array Programs (Sorting, Searching, Insertion & Deletion)
1.10 Array More Programs
Chapter 2 : Collections Framework & Generics
2.1 Introduction To Collections Framework
2.2 Collection Interface
2.3 List (Interface) & Its Methods
2.4 List Implemented Classes (ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector & Stack)
2.5 Cursors In Collections (Enumeration, Iterator & ListIterator)
2.6 Set (Interface), SortedSet (Interface) & NavigableSet (Interface)
2.7 Set Implemented Classes (HashSet, LinkedHashSet & TreeSet)
2.8 Comparable & Comparator Interface
2.9 Queue (Interface) & Its Methods
2.10 Queue Implemented Classes (PriorityQueue, Deque & ArrayDeque)
2.11 Abstract Design Pattern
2.12 Map (Interface) & Entry (Interface) & Its Methods
2.13 Map Implemented Classes (HashMap, LinkedHashMap, IdentityHashMap & WeakHashMap)
2.14 SortedMap (Interface) & NavigableMap (Interface)
2.15 TreeMap (Class)
2.16 Hashtable (Class); Working Of Hashtable & HashMap
2.17 Dictionary, Properties & Concurrent Collections
2.18 Generics